Sunday, July 3, 2011

Officially Incorrect !!!

Monday Morning Blues, Tuesday Tantrums, Wednesday Weirdness, Thursday Doomsday, Friday Freakishness, Zestful Saturday, Sluggish Sunday !!!
What was it that I just wrote? Was I deciding the schedule for my next week? If yes, then heaven save me!!!

Now go through this one.
A Bright Monday Morning, Euphoric Tuesday, Florid Wednesday, Thrilling Thursday, Jubilant Friday, Superb Saturday, Exemplary Sunday !!!

What just happened, is no change of schedule. So??? I just started dating a COLLEAGUE (not me silly!!).
Errr, ummm, ahhh, Ouch !!! I mean WOW !!! But really???
That is what my reaction was when a friend of mine told this to me last night during an FB chat session.

I am sure we all have had our share of crushes in offices. Be it our cute and oh-so-young boss,or the dimpled guy who sits next to my(or your) cabin, or the guy straight out of Mills and Boons who just can't be a VP (he's so young) or the guy next door who offers you a lift daily.
Office romances are fun. But are they really FUN???

Most women would agree because of the proximity they get to share with their man of dreams in an environment which is like a dream come true with him. Suddenly, the place is fun to work at. Everything turns out to be perfect and rosy. You go back home together, you drive to the office together, you have breakfast together and lunch and drinks and dinner and sleep, all together. That is some life, I must say.

A serious overdose of the man of your dreams !!!

But what happens when you break up? The place feels like hell. You suddenly start avoiding the elevator because he/she was in it, lunching will be at a table at the far away corner of the room where you can't see him/her, meetings will be spent staring at him/her, thinking what was it that I saw in that loser. Suddenly all you start thinking is "how to get back at your ex" and again the search for the prey begins in an attempt to make your ex feel horrible. But all this and more, in an attempt to make him/her jealous and get back together.

But is this all 'worth it'? I personally do not advocate office romances. When a fling goes bad, there is bound to be ill feelings and hostility. I mean just imagine losing your job, willfully or not. The possible consequences here are not just the loss of the person you're ga-ga over. It's fun to fall in love, but remember that you've worked too hard to jeopardize your work reputation by being distracted, missing deadlines and letting your projects suffer.

Morose Monday, Dejected Tuesday, Cheerless Wednesday, Dysphoric Thursday, Joyless Friday, Sombre Saturday and a Wretched Sunday !!!
Sounds like a Ramsay Brothers' movie to me !!!

I wish I could tell my friend to give up on this girl that he is so in awe of. But like someone once said, its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

(P.S: Dear S, I guess you should lookout for another company that you've been planning for so long.)


With brave wings she flies...

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