Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Perfectly Essential !!!

Lying in our bed, making near perfect scenarios in life is something that all of us love to do. Thinking through the past, embracing our present and priming ourselves to clinch our 'magical and perfect' future. In an era, where we all are living an exhaustive life, working not so passionately in jobs most of us love to hate (however perfect that may be), waiting in vain for the weekend to arrive, drowing ourselves in alcohol and musical nights and waking up the next morning with a gloomy face all over again.

What is it with us that we love to strive for the perfect boss, perfect outfit, perfect meal, perfect weekend, perfect friend, perfect spouse, perfect relationships, perfectly made up faces, perfect work life, perfect personal life: In short 'A Perfectly Perfect Life.'

We all today work like machines, with alarm clocks waking us up early morning, followed by a hasty shower, festinating through our breakfast, driving our way through a maddening traffic in an attempt to reach the most imperfect place where we work to accomplish the most perfectly imagined life. If all this wasn't enough, we all have that awesome habit of nit-picking and cribbing about almost everything that begins the very minute we wake up and goes on till the time our brain does not order us to sleep.

High cholestrol, high blood pressure, strokes, anxiety disorders have become commoners amongst all of us. The word that for me sums this up, is STRESS!! Un-objective, undefined and often personal, it is that single factor that wraps around human nature like a frightening charm. Are we genetically inclined towards being so stressed? In an attempt to make everything look perfect, aren't we all giving up on the small and important things in life which bring to us more happiness amongst others.

I am sure almost all of us have people around us who constantly talk about the negative aspects of life. Life could be this and life could be that, her life is perfect, mine is not even close to it, if only I had a job like hers, if only I was married by this age, if only I was dating this guy, if only I could be 5 kgs lighter, if only I had that outfit, if only I had that much money, if only I owned that car, if only I knew my purpose of existence, if only my friends and family would understand me, if only I could go to this place.....phewww!! Looks like the purpose of the existence of this person is endless nagging. Or wait, don't we all do this at one point in time or the other!!

Rather than working towards and attempting to make our imperfect life perfect, we make our perfect life imperfect by such complaining. Each magazine or newspaper you pick up, has atleast one article which teaches us in numerous possible manner the means and ways to deal with stress. I wish I knew how to deal with it myself.

Commit to yourself, take interest in things you enjoy, steer clear of people who send out negative vibes, trust your instinct and not people's, take out that guy/girl you have been in awe of, exercise daily no matter what (a 30 minute walk can do wonders), stop comparing your life to others, love your job (after all it pays all your EMI's), go get a chocolate/seaweed spa done at your local salon, go shopping (do not come back empty handed to avoid being stressed out), talk to random people (you never know who you end up meeting), donate (trust me this works), go on a vacation with your loved ones, read a book, watch a movie, cook, get a dog.....and the list goes on. Choose what you believe in and that will anyways keep you happy.

My dad once told me that one should not look back on life and think 'I wish I had given this a chance.' Go give it a shot because if you don't, you will never know how it feels. A lot of people may say its easier said than done but what I know is that most of the times we create our own reasons for happiness. Stay ahead and keep smiling, you never know who falls in love with it.

People throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it. The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.

Someone once said, "Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it !!"

(P.S: Dear B, if you hadn't done what you'd done, I would never have become wise enough to take the right decision. A big hug to you!!)

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