Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bed(dy) Delights !!

With office hours getting late and hectic, most couples look forward to spending the weekend together. Going out, shopping, movie, clubbing etc etc is something that each one of us looks forward to. How about spending this sunday at home !! 

Weekend's near, so I thought why not give you all a few of my favorite recipes to try at home and relish them together (in bed). Easy to cook and honestly, Impeccably Delectable !!!

This one can be taken with your morning tea/coffee. I prefer taking it with Iced Tea. You can either make it at night and keep it in your refrigerator overnight, which will save you time in the morning. All you would need for this would be Monaco Biscuits, plain/crunchy Peanut Butter, Marshmallows (from your local candy store) and Nutella (calorie conscious can skip this).

Now all you have to do is, spread a layer of peanut butter on the biscuit and top it with a marshmallow. Garnish the marshmallow with a lil' bit of nutella and put it in the oven/microwave for a minute (can skip, I like the chilled version). Your Marguerites are ready.

Time for some breakfast. How about some Pasta Salad. Healthy and Luscious....
1. You would need your favorite pasta (mine is Penne). Boil it and drain it. Keep it aside to cool.

2 For making the dressing, you would need Mayonnaise (calorie conscious can buy the diet mayo, easily available), 2-3tbs of cold milk, chilli sauce (the one served with momos is the best) and 2 tbs of white vinegar. Mix all these three together to form a smooth paste. Add salt and pepper to taste.

3. Next you need is grape sized deseeded tomatoes (cut into half), boiled potatoes (can skip), boiled boneless chicken (paneer for vegetarians), boiled corn, capsicum, finely chopped basil leaves and gouda cheese cut into small cubes (you can take your fav variety) and basil leaves.

4. Add all of the above mentioned ingredients (except basil) to the boiled and cooled pasta. Mix it well. Now drizzle in the dressing. Top with lavishly with the chopped basil leaves. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to make it tangy.

Your Pasta is ready to eat.

Lemme know if you like both of these culinary delights...

I think all you guys should give your ladies a break this weekend and surprise them with your culinary skills. Who know what she might surprise you with !!

(P.S: This weekend, stay at home and let spices and chocolates do the talking, or not !! )

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rediscovering Yourself !!!

Being a single amongst so many of your married friends does make you feel alone at times. There are times when people ask you the reason of being alone. There are times when you look at the happy couple and wonder whatever happened to your happy ending. At times, you feel as if life did take a wrong turn for you or maybe you took a wrong path. At times, when I see my closest friend putting red nail paint and baking for her husband, it does bring a tear in my eye. Not because I don't like her doing that but because I want to do the same for someone.

When I look at the photographs of a friend travelling and circling the world with her better half, it makes me see only the joys of marriage. When I look at my friend's son, him beaming with laughter, all I see is the gleam in the eyes of the parents and their love for each other. When I look at a friend putting up statuses for her husband asking him to reassure her of his love for her, I see a kid with hope in her eyes who is craving for love and I see a husband laughing at the status and bringing flowers for her.

When I look at my friend watching football matches and shouting and supporting Manchester United from the rooftops, I see a loving wife who does not understand football, cheering on top of her voice. When I see a friend working out in the gym, I see a husband who is proud of his wife. When I see a friend fighting over the phone complaining about how little time her husband gives her, I see a husband wanting to take his wife out for dinner and holding her hand, walking on the dimply lit street.

When I see a friend crying, I see the husband kissing her forehead, holding her tight and putting her head on his shoulder. When I see a couple fighting, I see them walking up to each other in the midst of the night because they do not want to be alone. When I see a couple working hard, I see their commitment to be with each other, their undying love for each other.

When I see a friend going out shopping with her husband, I see the husband nagging but still offering suggestions to her because he'd rather be with her nagging than be somewhere else without her. When I see a couple ignoring each other, I see two people dying inside to go hug the other person and say 'I am sorry'. When I see a couple not talking to each other after a fight, I see two people wanting to rush to the other one and kiss them.

I've heard people saying that marriage changes you. And I have heard people telling me that marriage changes you, for good. People say it's a fight. I say what in life is not a fight. Each day we are struggling with our own insecurities, some of which break us. What better way to fight those insecurities than with a person who loves you and wants to share each passing day of their life with you. Marriage does not fall apart. It's when two people give up on each other, marriage seems like a burden.

We fight with our parents, our siblings almost daily. But we don't give up on them because we love them and the thought of being away from them scares us. A good relationship is like your career. You have to put in effort, start from the scratch, take courses, keep yourself updated, willing to stay up all night because you want to impress, slog it out until you've got it right, complain and nag at times, but still love it. Just like you make it far from an Executive to the Director in the course of your career, you do the same in your marriage, with a lot of  love, a lot of honesty and an equal amount of understanding. It is only when we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.

(P.S: Love in marriage should be the accomplishment of a beautiful dream, and not, the end !!)


With brave wings she flies...

Here's a small story to begin with... There was once a lil' girl born to very loving parents. She was brought up to be strong, to...