Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Memoirs Of Adoration !!!

Ever wondered what relationships are all about and how much of an effect do they have on us?? We all want to live in that close knit, bonded circle of friends and family where we feel safe, where we can be ourselves, where we are loved, where we feel connected, where we laugh, where we hurt each other but never let go.

In a pretentious world where at one point in time we all get tired of faking superficial relationships, we definitely miss the ones who cared about us. It's on a daily basis that I hear people talking about letting go, moving on and it's over. But do we really get over the ones who had once been, if not the reason for our existence but the reason for happiness in our lives while we existed. Easier said than done !!

How can one let go of the laughs you shared, the tears you wiped off from each others' eyes, the yelling you did to show that you care, the time you spent together to show that you belonged together, the hours spent talking, the long walks taken, the miles covered, the chocolates shared together, the nights spent thinking about each other, the mornings spent waking each other up, holding hands to jus' be there, caring and sharing each living moment!! How can one forget or erase the memories you made together??

Every day I come across at least one prson who posts a status that talks about moving on, I talk to atleast one person who thinks letting go is the essence of future, I argue with atleast one person daily that getting over is a phrase that sounds good but how do you get over your own reason for happiness? Doesn't that mean that you are giving up on your own happiness just in a quest of getting over???

I have always been perplexed by this whole idea of past and future. People say you can erase the memories of your past from the life you have lived for the life you want to live. I say how can you forget your childhood and those growing up years which taught you how to walk? Would we ever be able to forget what we have learned in our lives? I am often told that when your past has been cruel and rough, it becomes easy to forget it. I say when it has been bitter, it is more difficult to repress it. Take out a moment and think of that one instance when you were scolded by your parent (s). I am very sure we all can recall atleast 3-4 of them. People also say that those bitter moments are the defining moments of a person's life. I then say if those were the defining moments of your life, doesn't it become the cradle of your life???

We all come across people who leave imprints on our minds, in our hearts and on us. They would make you cry, would make you laugh even more, care for you more than they would care about themselves, love you like no one would have ever loved you before, hurt you but will still hold you close, lie to you but only if that would be for your sake, cry for you and would suffocate you with their love. These are the people who should never let go off in your life. Because once you let go of them, they aren't coming back and what you are left with are memories that wouldn't make you laugh.

I, here, will share a quote very close to my heart:
Memory can glean, but can never renew. It brings us joys faint as is the perfume of the flowers, faded and dried, of the summer that is gone.

(P.S: I am a miser of my memories of you and will not spend them!!)


With brave wings she flies...

Here's a small story to begin with... There was once a lil' girl born to very loving parents. She was brought up to be strong, to...